Friday, June 30, 2017

Changes to the Clans, Clan relationships.

The Crab: These great warriors were decimated in the recent shadowlands war. They lost the vast majority of their lands. They retain about 25% of their land they held before the war. They also lost about 50% of their samurai during the shadowlands war. They retain the southern most parts of their lands north to Shiro Kuni (CB 11). East Mountain village (CB 12) is a larger fortress now. It is a joint Falcon, Crab stronghold, officially under crab control. Anything north of these areas is either under direct imperial control or is sort of a neutral zone (Lots of banditry to be had). The crab have VERY bad relations with The Crane currently. They will not accept crab travel papers and vice versa, unless under imperial orders. The Lion maintain a strong relationship with the Crab. The Crab and The Mantis have very beneficial working relationships going on and neither side wants to jeapordize that relationship. It has been 35 years since the most recent Shadowlands war. The Crab have regained some of their lands. They have full control of the wall with Other alliances having strong presences at ceraint points along the wall. The relationship between the Crab and Crane is still very strained but not on the verge of outright war any longer.(Pop; about 3,000,000; 175,000 samurai)

The Crane: The Crane lost about 1/3 of their lands to the attack from the Crab and Falcon right after the Shadowlands war. Eventually it was decided that they would not see the return of those lands. They were forfeit to what would become the Falcon clan. There is a very large island at the southern most part of Crane lands that USED TO be theirs. It is now under control of The Falcon clan. Crab / Crane relationship bad, very bad. Crane - Falcon relationship not quite as bad but still pretty crappy. There are frequent clashes between individual samurai patrolling their respective borders. Crane-Scorpion-Unicorn relationships Very Good. Crane-Mantis about neutral, but beneficial to both sides.
(Pop: 2,500,000: 125,000 samurai)

The Dragon: Pretty much the same as before the Shadowlands war. They lost some manpower but retain almost all their lands. They have a bitter, imperial forced neutrality, with the Phoenix. There is an imperial garrison, quite sizeable, in The distant paddy village (D 12). Parts of the Dragon have a very good relationship with parts of the Lion. Dragon and Unicorn have a slightly better than average relationship. There was a Dragon / Phoenix war about a year prior to the start of the campaign. Both sides suffered losses but have since recovered.  ( Pop: 2,000,000: 110,000 samurai)

The Lion: While the Lion did lose a sizeable chunk of their manpower in the Shadowlands war; they did not however loose any lands. In fact the gained some property when all was said and done. Unsettled lands in the south western dragon lands were given to the Lion. They have established a few villages. The Lion forces have been bolstered. They have a very well trained, albeit young crew of samurai. After their losses in the shadowlands war it was suggested by Lion leadership they families have a bunch of babies " To protect our future"  The lion have a mostly good relationship with the Dragon and basically leave the phoenix alone (Just like the phoenix prefer). Due to their close relationship with the crab The lion are uneasy with the Crane, currently. The Lion have tried to greatly increased their numbers since the shadowlands war 35 years ago. They patrol their lands heavily and are quick to put bandits to the sword. But with the loss of the Akodo family to Ronin status they are not the military powerhouse they once were. (Pop: 4,500,000; 200,000 samurai)

The  Mantis: While the other clans warred with each other after the shadowlands war The Mantis profited. They ferried supplies and troops to and fro, for a price of course. They seized Iron Turtle City (A 26) during the confusion after the war and have held it since. They keep visitors to their lands to an extreme minimum. Often if samurai show up on a ship unannounced without prior permission from a Mantis Daimyo they will be detained upon the vessel they arrive on and eventually sent back the way the came from. Obviously Imperial forces are a different story. The Mantis only hve a bad relationship with one clan currently and that is the Scorpion. Long story short: A mantis magistrate uncovered a covert Scorpion group operating out of one of their islands and executed all 7 of them for espionage against the Mantis. They might be the most wealthy Great clan currently, just not the most flamboyant. The mantis have a stranglehold on the shipping industry and have arranged to be the sole commercial freight transporter for the empire, both within the Empire and with outside sources. Excluding imperial ships of course. The relationship between the Scorpion and Mantis has recovered somewhat. They are at a friendly side of Neutral as things stand currently. (Pop: 1,110,000: 70,000 samurai)

The Phoenix: Basically the same as before the wars except they pretty much hate the Dragon, again. They wont let outside samurai deep into their lands with out a sizeable escort. even then only so far. They have an uneasy friendship with the Lion. (Pop: 1,600,000; 111,000 samurai)

The SCORPION: They work hard to maintain a neutrality with as many people as they can. They took control of Pleasure City (A 17) during the shadowlands war. They have reinforced it heavily since the war.  The scorpion are constantly on the verge of war with The Mantis. They have had no diplomats within eachothers borders since the Mantis needlessly slaughtered a group of their samurai for simply passing through one of their port cities. Any imperial court they are both invited to if one gets there first the other turns around and goes home. Unless they are ordered to stay they wont even be near each other. They have a very good relationship with the Unicorn and the Crane. The Scorpion Mantis relationship has recovered. (See Mantis heading) (Pop: 1,750,000; 90,000 samurai)

The Unicorn: After the war they reinforced their numbers with large amounts of Ronin. When all was said and done many of the Ronin who behaved honorably were allowed to remain as part of the clan. So their numbers are greater than it was before the shadowlands war. The Unicorn have a very good relationship with the Scorpion and the Crane. Not so good relationship with the Lion. The Unicorn have continued to increase their numbers since the Shadowlands war. Some of the Ronin from the shadowlands war 35 years ago were allowed to form vassal families of the Unicorn. They basically say it is the duty of all Samurai to produce as many children as they are able to. They Currently have the largest standing Army. Some of the Ki-Rin Samurai from the previous campaign were allowed to join the Unicorn. But even by unicorn standards they are barbaric.  (Pop; 3,950,000; 395,000 samurai)

The Ox: The Oriole and the Ox have merged under the banner of the Ox. The Ox were caught in the middle of a conflict between the Dragon and Phoenix and virtually wiped out. Their numbers were less than two dozen able bodied samurai. Through some political manuvers by the Ox courtiers they were able to get the Oriole to the table and agree for the Tsi to become a family of the Ox and both of the Tsi damiyo daughters married the Ox daimyo two eldest sons and the Tsi eldest son and heir to the family married the Ox eldest child, his daughter. There is some strife between the Ox and the Crane now because of this. The Crane were in the process of trying to arrange for the Tsi to come to them.

Twenty years later their numbers are now about 400 able bodied samurai. The Ox Daimyo (Morito Takuro) is getting on in years and is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, clan champions in Rokugan. Samurai who came to maturity a decade after he did have since retired from active duty. He looks old but still is active.

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