Friday, June 30, 2017

Changes to the Clans, Clan relationships.

The Crab: These great warriors were decimated in the recent shadowlands war. They lost the vast majority of their lands. They retain about 25% of their land they held before the war. They also lost about 50% of their samurai during the shadowlands war. They retain the southern most parts of their lands north to Shiro Kuni (CB 11). East Mountain village (CB 12) is a larger fortress now. It is a joint Falcon, Crab stronghold, officially under crab control. Anything north of these areas is either under direct imperial control or is sort of a neutral zone (Lots of banditry to be had). The crab have VERY bad relations with The Crane currently. They will not accept crab travel papers and vice versa, unless under imperial orders. The Lion maintain a strong relationship with the Crab. The Crab and The Mantis have very beneficial working relationships going on and neither side wants to jeapordize that relationship. It has been 35 years since the most recent Shadowlands war. The Crab have regained some of their lands. They have full control of the wall with Other alliances having strong presences at ceraint points along the wall. The relationship between the Crab and Crane is still very strained but not on the verge of outright war any longer.(Pop; about 3,000,000; 175,000 samurai)

The Crane: The Crane lost about 1/3 of their lands to the attack from the Crab and Falcon right after the Shadowlands war. Eventually it was decided that they would not see the return of those lands. They were forfeit to what would become the Falcon clan. There is a very large island at the southern most part of Crane lands that USED TO be theirs. It is now under control of The Falcon clan. Crab / Crane relationship bad, very bad. Crane - Falcon relationship not quite as bad but still pretty crappy. There are frequent clashes between individual samurai patrolling their respective borders. Crane-Scorpion-Unicorn relationships Very Good. Crane-Mantis about neutral, but beneficial to both sides.
(Pop: 2,500,000: 125,000 samurai)

The Dragon: Pretty much the same as before the Shadowlands war. They lost some manpower but retain almost all their lands. They have a bitter, imperial forced neutrality, with the Phoenix. There is an imperial garrison, quite sizeable, in The distant paddy village (D 12). Parts of the Dragon have a very good relationship with parts of the Lion. Dragon and Unicorn have a slightly better than average relationship. There was a Dragon / Phoenix war about a year prior to the start of the campaign. Both sides suffered losses but have since recovered.  ( Pop: 2,000,000: 110,000 samurai)

The Lion: While the Lion did lose a sizeable chunk of their manpower in the Shadowlands war; they did not however loose any lands. In fact the gained some property when all was said and done. Unsettled lands in the south western dragon lands were given to the Lion. They have established a few villages. The Lion forces have been bolstered. They have a very well trained, albeit young crew of samurai. After their losses in the shadowlands war it was suggested by Lion leadership they families have a bunch of babies " To protect our future"  The lion have a mostly good relationship with the Dragon and basically leave the phoenix alone (Just like the phoenix prefer). Due to their close relationship with the crab The lion are uneasy with the Crane, currently. The Lion have tried to greatly increased their numbers since the shadowlands war 35 years ago. They patrol their lands heavily and are quick to put bandits to the sword. But with the loss of the Akodo family to Ronin status they are not the military powerhouse they once were. (Pop: 4,500,000; 200,000 samurai)

The  Mantis: While the other clans warred with each other after the shadowlands war The Mantis profited. They ferried supplies and troops to and fro, for a price of course. They seized Iron Turtle City (A 26) during the confusion after the war and have held it since. They keep visitors to their lands to an extreme minimum. Often if samurai show up on a ship unannounced without prior permission from a Mantis Daimyo they will be detained upon the vessel they arrive on and eventually sent back the way the came from. Obviously Imperial forces are a different story. The Mantis only hve a bad relationship with one clan currently and that is the Scorpion. Long story short: A mantis magistrate uncovered a covert Scorpion group operating out of one of their islands and executed all 7 of them for espionage against the Mantis. They might be the most wealthy Great clan currently, just not the most flamboyant. The mantis have a stranglehold on the shipping industry and have arranged to be the sole commercial freight transporter for the empire, both within the Empire and with outside sources. Excluding imperial ships of course. The relationship between the Scorpion and Mantis has recovered somewhat. They are at a friendly side of Neutral as things stand currently. (Pop: 1,110,000: 70,000 samurai)

The Phoenix: Basically the same as before the wars except they pretty much hate the Dragon, again. They wont let outside samurai deep into their lands with out a sizeable escort. even then only so far. They have an uneasy friendship with the Lion. (Pop: 1,600,000; 111,000 samurai)

The SCORPION: They work hard to maintain a neutrality with as many people as they can. They took control of Pleasure City (A 17) during the shadowlands war. They have reinforced it heavily since the war.  The scorpion are constantly on the verge of war with The Mantis. They have had no diplomats within eachothers borders since the Mantis needlessly slaughtered a group of their samurai for simply passing through one of their port cities. Any imperial court they are both invited to if one gets there first the other turns around and goes home. Unless they are ordered to stay they wont even be near each other. They have a very good relationship with the Unicorn and the Crane. The Scorpion Mantis relationship has recovered. (See Mantis heading) (Pop: 1,750,000; 90,000 samurai)

The Unicorn: After the war they reinforced their numbers with large amounts of Ronin. When all was said and done many of the Ronin who behaved honorably were allowed to remain as part of the clan. So their numbers are greater than it was before the shadowlands war. The Unicorn have a very good relationship with the Scorpion and the Crane. Not so good relationship with the Lion. The Unicorn have continued to increase their numbers since the Shadowlands war. Some of the Ronin from the shadowlands war 35 years ago were allowed to form vassal families of the Unicorn. They basically say it is the duty of all Samurai to produce as many children as they are able to. They Currently have the largest standing Army. Some of the Ki-Rin Samurai from the previous campaign were allowed to join the Unicorn. But even by unicorn standards they are barbaric.  (Pop; 3,950,000; 395,000 samurai)

The Ox: The Oriole and the Ox have merged under the banner of the Ox. The Ox were caught in the middle of a conflict between the Dragon and Phoenix and virtually wiped out. Their numbers were less than two dozen able bodied samurai. Through some political manuvers by the Ox courtiers they were able to get the Oriole to the table and agree for the Tsi to become a family of the Ox and both of the Tsi damiyo daughters married the Ox daimyo two eldest sons and the Tsi eldest son and heir to the family married the Ox eldest child, his daughter. There is some strife between the Ox and the Crane now because of this. The Crane were in the process of trying to arrange for the Tsi to come to them.

Twenty years later their numbers are now about 400 able bodied samurai. The Ox Daimyo (Morito Takuro) is getting on in years and is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, clan champions in Rokugan. Samurai who came to maturity a decade after he did have since retired from active duty. He looks old but still is active.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Maps relevant to the game.

The Campagin so far.

This is where information will go about what you guys have done. And if I remember I will post experience and other rewards you have received as well.

   You have all been assigned to a very remote village in Dragon lands. (Village of Inner Peace) (I made it up don't bother looking for it.)  The northern most village in Dragon Lands. It is said if you climb to the top of the highest local peak you can see beyond the mountains out of the Empire. No one outside of Dragon lands really knows of this village. There are a few paths leading up through the foot hills of the mountain towards this village. But the last two hours of walking is a single path that is too narrow for a full sized horse (DC 30 ride check to ride a horse. Dc 20 for a pony) There is a stable and a small house for the horse keeper in the foothills. The narrow part of the path has a set of tracks for mine carts that are sent down to waiting wagons below. Every 150 feet or so there are small alcoves carved into the cliff face so people walking up or down can get out of the way of the mine carts. 

     The village, for being so out of the way, is very well appointed. There is a monastery, Home of Inner peace, monastery. This monastery is carved into the side of the mountain and extends down into the mountain as well. The leader at this monastery is a monk called Ryo. He sits atop a small outcropping in meditation, to get to this outcropping requires an athletics check DC 15. Even the eldest in the village say he has been there since they were children. He has not broken his meditation that any one living knows of since he started. He has developed a way of communicating with others through his meditation, though it requires a meditation check on their part to demonstrate their enlightened nature. He does not speak of his life before becoming a monk and his past is a complete mystery to anyone living in the village. 

    There is a mining and quarry operation in the vicinity of the mountain. It is a fairly significant operation, providing different metals and gems for the Dragon clan. The quarry is a bit smaller but they work at a steady pace providing stone to the Dragon. The miners have discovered a way to harness some of the excess gas from the mine to provide a light source deeper down in the mine. While a part of the village the mine is basically self sufficient. They have developed a way to grow various fungi and supplement their diet with wild game, mountain tuna among them. 

    The head of the mining operation is an extremely intelligent Togashi Monk named Togo. He will not hesitate to express his distaste for the local temple, in as respectful manner as possible, if people ask if he is associated with the temple. He has the absolute loyalty of the miners and other workers on site. They have his sworn protection, regardless of where they are in the empire. He once left the operation in the hands of his lead assistant. He tracked down and brought to justice an entire group of Ronin who ambushed two of his men on their way to visit their families for a scheduled vacation. He obtained confessions and then passed punishment upon them. When he was questioned about this by a Dragon magistrate he replied simply “I offer all of my men my protection, across all of the empire. I have protected them before and shall do so again. Will you stop me?” And walked away from the magistrate. He is useful beyond measure to the Dragon so he is allowed considerable leeway with his actions. But he knows not to go too far. Some more ambitious Dragon officials who have come to inspect his operations in the past comment on how he could be more productive if he worked the workers harder. He is concerned with his workers safety and well being to the point he has scheduled vacations for them. These vacations rotate so that as some of the workers go home for a month others arrive from vacation.

    The village has a mayor, Goda. Not so much a mayor as a manager. The village isn’t so large that there would be a mayor. He is a round man with a profound sweet tooth. He is best friends with a baker in the village, there are rumors that they are an item, but no evidence that this is the truth. She is 20 years younger than the mayor. But when they are not actively working they can be found in each others company. He is a kind but boastful man. Fairly lazy but competent in the things he actually does.

    There is a small keep that the players will be housed in. The keep is well appointed and positioned for maximum defense. It could comfortably house 50 samurai.  An elderly Dragon courtier, Kitsuki Yana, is the house manager. She will arrange their needs should they require anything from their lords. She is professional and will kindly correct their etiquette, (In an appropriate way). Think of her well meaning, elderly teacher sort of way. She wants to teach people to do things the proper way, is in no sense of the word rude and does her very best to not use her considerable status as a way to get what she wants. (She is status 5.5 (She is a semi retired Emerald magistrate, sort of a reservist. But is still technically an active Dragon Magistrate.)  In her youth she was a premier Kitsuki investigator. But instead of retiring she arranged for herself to be stationed here. The Keep is well appointed and unlike most such buildings in Rokugan, is made almost entirely out of stone.

Notable people

The Empress: Toturi (Moto) Keiko: Not much is know about her imperial majesty. She is said to be quite attractive by those who have seen her. She is also said to have a kind heart by many of the peasants. When she is seen publicly, in addition to the rank and file imperial guards she travels with she is always seen with three very intimidating looking Seppun guards. Two of which are obvious bushi and the other is not. Once a year by imperial edict she holds a festival specifically for the common folk. Every clan capital and the imperial capital as well have feasts and various events for the common folk. A few commoners from each capital are recognized for the dedicated work for the empire and rewarded with a variety of gifts( houses, wealth, elevated status, etc (Though not all of these things)) . It has been 35 years since the Shadowlands war. The Empress has married and had children (2 sons and 2 daughters) She still has the love of the peasants and keeps an advisory council.  

Toturi Shuzo: The eldest child of the Empress. He is trained as a Seppun Guardsman, though he has not seen actual combat. He is stern and unwavering in his loyalty to his mother and the Empire. He has an estate in the Capital and frequently houses long term dignitaries who do not wish the hustle and bustle of the Imperial palace. Every single aspect of his estate has been designed with defense in mind. He has one daughter and is married. His wife is from the Dragon Clan.

Toturi Sadako: The eldest daughter, second eldest child of the empress. She is a kind and caring woman. Trained as an Otomo Courtier. She is arranged to marry a Phoenix officer, though a date has not been set. She sponsors an orphanage and school in the capital specifically for orphaned commoner children. They have beds for about one thousand children but currently only house two hundred children in the orphanage and she makes frequent trips there. She refers to the children as paper cranes. "Beautiful, yet oh so fragile. Handling them properly takes the greatest of care." She has skill with and is greatly fascinated by origami. 

Toturi Massao: The youngest son of the Empress. He is trained as a Miya herald. He has done nothing meaningful to this point in his life and doesn't seem to mind keeping it that way. "Libraries are fascinating, and most importantly safe." he likes to say. He has an extensive personal library. He is awkward as the center of attention and usually tries to hurry any social interactions he has.

Toturi Ise: The youngest child of the Empress. She is trained as a Seppun Shugenja. She is ever the spoiled princess you would expect from a royal child. She is still young in her career and makes frequent trips to the Seppun dojo to train. 

Imperial advisory council:
     Moto Chen: (Retired) A very skilled Moto bushi. Who made a name for himself during the recent shadowlands war. Though the shadowlands armies didn't reach unicorn lands in sufficient numbers to be of consequence. They did manage to get about 500 monsters towards Seiktsu pass. With a group of 75 bushi Moto Chen defended the pass against the monsters with heavy losses to his side the monsters were felled. He is of average height and looks but solidly built. His preferred weapon is his scimitar. It is said that he fearless, the feelings of fear have never touched his soul. He is very plain spoken and to the point. He doesn't participate in open court situations very often, preferring to send an emissary in his stead. He is married (Moto Ami) and has three sons (Moto Chenji, Moto Jo, Moto Soh).
     Doji Domotai: (Retired) Perhaps on of the most skilled living courtiers the Crane clan has. Also reknowned throughout the empire for his physical beauty. He is a very tall, very thin man. Even though he is of advanced age it does not show on his features. No one is quite sure how old he is. Samurai who have since retired talk about 'coming up through ranks' with him. He is Married with quite a few children and some grandchildren as well. He demands competence in all who work with him and has ruined the careers and sometimes the lives of those who failed him in a drastic fashion. Some people whisper that he would have been just as at home as a Bayushi.
     Bayushi Paneki: (Active on the council) A short, verbally aggressive Bayushi courtier. He has no problems playing up the Bayushi reputation if he needs to in order to get his way. He makes more public appearances than any of the other advisors. Nothing is really know about his personal life. An attractive man, though not as much as Doji Domotai. Almost always at his side is a Yogo (Scorpion) shugenja. Even less is known about his Yogo companion. Paneki is quite old now. As he ages his cruel nature is amplified. 

Doji Ami: A young but competent Crane courtier. What she lacks in size (Small Disad) She more than makes up for in her dedication to bushido and the Empire (Idealistic) She also is rumored to have tricked a Scorpion courtier to implicate himself in a nefarious plot, in open court. A statement she has never denied, or confirmed. But one that the Scorpion say is a flat out lie. 

Utaku Juniko: A high ranking cavalry officer in the Unicorn. She is plain spoken and seems out of place in court. She is the half sister to the current Unicorn clan champion. She is very knowledgeable about animal husbandry and the care of any type of animal that could be used as a mount, and also has knowledge of these types of animals that exist outside of the Empire. She has a personal estate that she was gifted by the Empress, for valor in battle. She has personally trained many of the current imperial cavalry soldiers.

Shiba Kozuko: A middle aged Phoenix Bushi. She is a traditionalist if there ever was one. She would be just as at home among the Lion with her dedication to tradition. She is a skilled duelist. She has two young children that she spoils every chance she gets. She has no specific, important relations in her family to justify her position as an advisor to the Empress. 

Isawa Reiko and Isawa Jo: Twin brother and sister. They are always together, except when they are sleeping, because yuck! They are highly skilled in the arcane arts and spend more time in study of some sort than they do anywhere else. There are rumors of a grand discovery they have recently made (DC: 30 (Whatever current events would be)) Jo is the stereotypical Shugenja, lacks any measurable skill with a blade but is ever confident of his skill with magic. His sister on the other hand has some skill with a katana and has won a few dueling competitions.

The Shogun: Akodo Shigetoshi: (Deceased) A young, proud Lion. He embodies all that the Lion hold dear. He is no stranger to battle. He carries a legendary sword (Hiryu: (Meaning fire dragon)) his armor was crafted specifically for him by one of the best armor smiths in the empire. It is said to have magical properties. He has a young wife ( Akodo (Isawa) Tara) a Shugenja from the Phoenix clan. They have twin daughters (Akodo Yori and Akodo Yoriko) In addition to his duties as Shogun he participates in running a dojo in the capital, designed for samurai from less affluent families. His family were allowed to live for his actions but were all made Ronin. 

Did not wish to relinquish his powers. He basically had the Empress declared unfit to rule without the help of the council. She accepted this for a short while. She learned all the ways of court as she was able. She gathered her personal bodyguards and a trusted shugenja and fled from the Capital one night. 

After some time  she returned to the Capital and called a special session of the council. She ordered them to the throne room immediately. When they were all gathered a heated argument ensued, the specifics of this argument were never discussed outside the meeting. All that is know is in anger Akodo Shigetoshi struck the Empress calling her “An insolent child not fit to sit upon the great throne.” He was offered a single chance by the Empress to commit seppuku and her roared with anger and was struck down by the combined forces of her bodyguards and shugenja, the only ones allowed to bear weapons in the throne room. Also not the place where council meetings usually took place. She declared all of the Akodo family from that point forward and were given one months time to vacate any lands they held sole possession of. Their residence in places that belonged to other families was left to the decision of these families. 

Falcon Clan daimyo: Toritaka Kaiketsu (Retired): A middle aged man of few words. He is as stout, strong man. His daisho is said to have legendary properties but he will not speak of them, he considers it rude to ask such things. He has 6 children. 3 from his first marriage, his first wife died in the Shadowlands war. 3 from his second wife. It is rumored that his first wife was killed by his very blade because she had become tainted. There is a strong, but not violent, rivalry between both groups of his children. He would still prefer to be combating the enemies of the empire but having a clan to run leaves him no time to do so. His two oldest from each group of children are governors for various cities and towns within falcon lands.  His wife Toritaka Ami is a skilled Shugenja.  His youngest daughter  Toritaka Hana, went through her gempukku 3 years ago, is a natural in the courts, though slightly unorthodox in her approach sometimes. 

Toritaka Hana: The daughter of the previous Falcon Daimyo. She is 38 years old and has seen to it, through her skill in court that her Clan is allied with virtually every major and almost all minor clans in the empire. The Falcon are the largest minor clan in the Empire. They have gone from having the outright haltered of the Crane to being a fairly close ally. It took two decades worth of work on the part of Hana. Her husband is the Great x 7 grandson of a legendary Crab warrior, and he will go on at length about it if given the slightest chance. They have 7 children. Only the eldest has gone through his Gempuku. One of her children, her Daughter Mina, went missing nearly a year ago. Hana has expended a large amount of resources in locating the child but to no avail. 

Crab Clan daimyo: Kuni Kumi (Deceased): A short, serious woman. She has little patience for creative endeavors, considering them a waste of time. She takes her job as clan daimyo seriously. Even though the crab are less than half of their pervious size and hold less than 1/3 of their previous holdings their affluence is greater than it has ever been. Her twin sister (Kuni Hitomo) is a skilled crab merchant and with their arcane and economic prowess the crab have creeped their way to a comfortable reserve in their coffers. She took a husband out of obligation to provide an heir for her family. He husband is a huge brute of a Hida bushi (Hida Yogo). He is as socially inepet as you can imagine. But his skill with heavy weapons usually prevents people from messing with him. When The Ki-Rin defended a northern pass into and out of the Empire she came to their aid. She personally lead as many Samurai as she could safely spare from the wall. This battle turned into a siege that lasted weeks. During the final push against the enemy Kuni Kumi was slain by one of the enemy. 

Ki-Rin Daimyo: Moto Nobunaga (Deceased): An elderly samurai, looks to be in his late 50s maybe early 60s. The leader of the Ki-Rin that have only recently returned to the empire. The party is currently suspicious of his motives. He is a large man, about 6'2" close to 300 lbs. When the party met him as they were leaving his city he was seated atop what could likely be the largest horse any of them had ever seen. They don't know anything of his personal life. He spoke of prophecies and being guided by the stars to be where they were currently at. He seemed certain of his beliefs that he was doing the right thing. He said he was on a mission to save the empire from within and from external enemies as well. The Ki-Rin Daimyo died defending a pass in northern Unicorn lands from an Army that has traversed the desert with the intention of attacking Rokugan. He sent messengers to the Crab and he conscripted every able bodied villager he could (Man and Woman). They held the pass for four days against an army numbering at least 500,000. Helped arrived from the Unicorn first, then the Crab a few days later lead by the Crab Daimyo herself and a few days after that imperial forces and forces from the rest of the clans arrived. They held the pass for two weeks and were outnumbered 2 to 1 when Moto Nobunaga had a chance to lead a group behind enemy lines and attack their commander directly. Others cautioned him against the deceit because it was dishonorable. He said "If they destroy your empire, what good does your honor do you?"

The Black Samurai: in the last couple of years he has become something of a folk hero. There are many eta who repost having been allowed to kiss his hand or simple touch his horse and their luck changed for the better. A man who has won quite a few tournaments and also stopped large groups of bandits in the unclaimed lands. He wears a suit of Gaijin armor but people argue of his heritage. He speaks fluent rokugani, with no discernable accent, to those who have heard him speak. None can report having ever seen him without armor and helmet. He is ever the gentleman and displays the utmost honor on and off the battlefield. He once escaped a patrol of imperial scouts sent to capture him. They lost him about a days ride from the temple of osano-wo (A14) He weilds a Katana that is said to cut through solid stone. There are rumors that he can also shoot fireballs from his hands and command nature itself to do his bidding. The tournaments he has attended he has won. He agreed that if he ever lost a duel in a tournament he would reveal himself to those]his opponent.

News from around the Empire.

     Confidence in the throne is as low as its ever been. The Imperial advisors have kept the empress as hidden from the public as they can. She makes appearances, with her advisors, from the imperial palace but is very seldom seen outside the palace and has never been seen outside of the capital city. Very little is know about her amongst the general populace. Though charity to some of the poorer villages has increased, so amongst the least of the least she is very popular.
     Some of the cities and villages furthest from the capital have been fairly vocal about their displeasure with the powers that be. They complain about not receiving help with bandits that have begun to plague the less defended locales. This is when the game will start in this age of civil unrest.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Character Creation, New /Modified schools.

The characters can be from any family they want. But they will all have gone through training in Dragon lands as honored guests of the Dragon. They can go through any of their home clan school or Dragon schools for free.  It was offered  and basically “heavily suggested” by their parents and family Daimyos to swear fealty to the Dragon after their Gempukku. For the time being you have been allowed to keep your old family name but are considered for all intents and purposes Dragon Samurai.

45 point character creation.

Everyone gains a 6 point Ally ( 2 point influence, 4 point devotion) “Their Parents” for free.

Everyone also gains a servant given to them by their parents. The specifics of that servant will be discussed later.

The players are all friends, you know each other at this point. You came through training together and were all sent to the same town as your “Duty station”

Kuni Bushi:
Benefit: +1 awareness, Honor: 2.5, Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Medicine (Herbalism), Lore: Shadowlands 2, Any 2 Bugei skills. Outfit: Katana, Wakazashi, finger of jade, Fine kimono and sandals, Traveling pack, 8 koku.

Rank 1: Add twice your air ring to all initiative rolls. When attacking an enemy with taint you need to call 2 raises instead of 4 to gain an extra attack.
Rank 2: Make a contested Awareness / etiquette against the target to see if they show any signs of being a potential maho tsukaior any psychological signs of taint. by calling a raise you can prevent the subject from knowing he let something slip. If you spend a void point you can make an awareness / Lore shadowlands (TN25) to sense the presence and proximity of taint, within 150'.  You can not sense taint in specific individuals just a general location.
Rank 3: When making an unarmed or melee attack you keep an extra number of dice against equal to the targets shadowlands rank. You gain an extra attack against any creature possessing any level of taint. Add your earth ring to your TNTBH.
Rank 4: Anyone attempting to use maho or anyone with taint trying to cast a spell against you must call an additional number of raises equal to your school rank. Spend a void point and make a will power / Lore Shadowlands (TN25) and you can grant an ally within 20' the same protection for one round. (The spell caster must match match your rank and not your allys) You can call additional raises to protect additional allies or extend the duration (1 raise per ally or round). You gain an extra attack per round.
Rank 5: When attacking a target with taint you gain a number of free raises equal to your school rank that can only be used for damage or for an additional attack. If you kill someone who possesses taint it does not count as an attack for this round. Whenever you hit an opponent you may spend a void point to increase their wound penalties by 10.

Kuni Shugenja: Instead of any one weapon skill you gain Kyujutsu and Heavy weapons.


14 years ago (35 years ago now) an army of Shadowlands monsters overran large portions of the wall. The Crab fought valliantly. The sheer number of the enemy overwhelmed them. Popular belief among scholars is that this was the single largest assault by the shadowlands since the time of Fu-Leng. The Crab, along with many other clans were decimated. The Crab lost about half of their number. The Lion were the first clan to respond to the threat. They fought as well as could be expected and suffered accordingly. After the massive Lion army and the groups sent by other clans were all overran clans began to fortify themselves instead.

Taking this chance to try and advance their positions within the empire certain families made moves against eachother.

The first of such moves was when a sizable Crane army moved to Kyuden Suzume (Sparrow clan castle) under the pretense of helping them defend their mountain pass home against the encroaching monsters. The Sparrow realized too late that they were being fooled and what defense they were able to mount was too little too late. The surviving members of the Sparrow clan were given the chance to swear fealty to the Crane. Some of them agreed. Others fled into the night. They still claim the Sparrow clan name but their holdings are sparse. The Suzume clan name is split between the Crane family and the Sparrow clan.

Another, more ambitious move happened when the remote Crab castle, Shiro Kaotsuki no Higashi, the norhtern most castle in Crab lands was attacked by an army of Ronin. Seeing as most guards had been called to the wall to fight the ones that remained here were borderline criminals. They put up virtually no fight and swore their allegiance to the Ronin General Yoshiro. He fortified his position and brought all essential personnel into the castle. He offered the remaining guards at the Watchtower of the East, just south of his newly acquired city, his protection if they joined him. They argued amongst eachother for a few days and consented to join him. The tower was reinforced for a total of 100 ronin guarding it.

One night they were attacked by a force of shadowlands monsters and down to the last person there is no evidence of the people that once occupied the tower. This force of shadowlands monsters continued into the Shinomen forest. Sometime later they retreated from the forest to discover the previously conquered watch tower once again occupied. (More on that later).

There are rumors that a child of of the previous Toturi emperor, born of an affair with a Moto ambassador, has been discovered. There is a major political push by the Unicorn, the Crane and the Scorpion to have the child recognized as the rightful heir to the throne. The only issue is the childs age. She is 7 years old at the time of her discovery. After much political manuvering by both clans she is proclaimed Emperess. With a council to rule until such time she is fit to run the empire. The advisory council is composed of Bayushi Paneki (Scorpion), Moto Chen (Unicorn) and Doji Domotai (Crane). They are responsible for instructing the young emperess in all things political. But not to have all the power in the empire overseen by those three clans the Lion threatened open war with all three clans if another advisor wasnt added for military matters. Akodo Shigetoshi (Lion clan) was named Shogun of the imperial legions and Kitsu Katsuko was recognized as the new Clan Daimyo.

During time rife with conflict the Phoenix lands came under assault by the dragon. During this time The Phoenix champion, Shiba Tsukimi, was assassinated. Very quickly a new Clan Champion was named Agasha Chieh. A young but capable Shugenja who has proven herself many times over to those that doubted her.

During this assault on Phoenix lands there were rumors from what was left of the Crab Lands that The Kuni and Toritaka families were not only begining to turn back assaults by the monsters they were going back on the offensive. The Kuni and Toritaka families along with more Nezumi than had ever been seen in one place began to push back against the monsterous hordes. Soon the Ronin General Yoshiro offered up some of his forces to help the embattled Kuni and Toritaka families. They accepted his help and he lead half of his troops himself into battle along side the families. They occupied the Watch Tower of the East and sent out scouts. They flushed the Shadowlands armies south from the Shinomen forest and pushed south and west towards the wall and back into the Shadowlands. The families having sent for help from all of the clans received virtually none except from the Lion. Every crab soldier left joined the fight Leaving their strongholds to be guarded by the young, the old and the infirm. During the final push, back over the wall, Ronin General Yoshiro sacrificed his own life to protect the Crab clan champion from a Shadowlands assassins blade.

After the battle was turned people began to tend to their wounds. But the Kuni and Toritaka families were outraged. They took their battle tested armies and turned them inwards, towards the empire. Specifically their nearest neighbors the Crane. The collapsed the mountain passes around the former Sparrow clan castle, trapping the occupying Crane army in the pass. From there they moved south and east. Taking over lands traditionally held by the crane. After months of conquering crane lands The shogun himself showed up leading the imperial legions.

Meetings were held and the Shogun agreed to let the Kuni and Toritaka families keep the lands they had acquired. The Kuni declined the offer and simply wanted to return to their lands within the Crab territory. The Toritaka Daimyo Kaiketsu petitioned the throne to reform the Falcon clan and keep the lands he had acquired. After much debate the advisory council relented and agreed to the Toritakas request. The surviving Ronin from General Yoshiros army swore fealty to the Toritaka family and most were accepted.

The Crab still controll the wall. but much of their lands are controlled by other clans, ronin and some were taken away by imperial edict. The Kuni and Toritaka families maintain VERY close relationships. The Phoenix and Dragon armies were ordered to halt their war against eachother. The Sparrow were granted controll of a village very recently occupied by the Toritaka family. But due to their recent expansion the Newly re-formed Falcon clan decided to let that one go. The Kuni family and the Flacon clan coffers were enhanced by the empire for their role in the Shadowlands war. Kuni Kumi was named clan champion. Former clan champion Hida Kuon was granted seppuku for his clans failure in the Shadowlands war. The Crane captain that lead the attack on the Sparrow lands was executed and the castle was given over to imperial controll.

The campaign begins 14 years after these events took place.